


Student£ºNik Afiza from Malaysia
Enrollment Period at Kagawa University : April 2012 - March 2014

My name is Nik Afiza and I come from Malaysia. I am currently a master course student in Ishii Laboratory, in Department of Advanced Materials Science of Graduate School of Engineering, Kagawa University. For my undergraduate degree, I studied in Gunma University for 4 years.
Kagawa University is a nice place with an interesting environment. In Ishii Laboratory, my research is about multiple bonding focusing on quintuple bonding in coordination chemistry. The members of Ishii Laboratory are very kind and friendly, especially my supervisor, Professor Tomohiko Ishii. Every week, we have seminar or meeting and discuss about our progress, problems or anything that concerns our research and school life. My supervisor is a very responsible and kind person. As I am a foreign student, he helps me a lot.

study trip
This is a picture taken during our study trip in last November. We went to Shodo Island (Shodo-shima) for 2 days. We had so much fun and experienced new things. This trip gave me the chance to get to know my laboratory members better.


When I moved to Takamatsu, I think I have started a new life. Although Gunma and Kagawa are in the same country, the environment and the feeling for me are different. Maybe Gunma is located in countryside, and Kagawa especially Takamatsu is quite lively and located in city. I love living in Takamatsu. I live with my husband in a small apartment near Oota train station, about 15 minutes cycling from the engineering campus. In Takamatsu, there are only 9 Malaysian students who are either enrolled in Kagawa University or in Kagawa College of Technology (Kousen). Sometimes we have gatherings and meals together, discussing about our life, our studies and any problem that we have. As we love eating our traditional food, sometimes I cook for them.

Last April, I had my first Hanami in Takamatsu with my husband and Malaysian friends. We went to Mineyama and I was so surprised to see cherry blossom there. They were so beautiful. We had our lunch there, while enjoying the view of cherry blossoms.
Here are some of the pictures taken during the Hanami (picnic while watching the cherry blossoms).
At Mineyama, April 2012.

At Mineyama, April 2012.
At Mineyama, April 2012.

In summer season, we had BBQ party on the beach that is located in the south of Takamatsu. Although I cannot recall name of the beach, beach was so beautiful. I like beach and sea, and that is one of the reasons why I so much fell in love with Takamatsu. I also had a trip to Megijima (Megi-Island) in last July. I went there with a group of foreign students led by Lron Sensei (a teacher from Saiwai-cho campus). Below are some of the pictures taken during the trip.

On speedboat
On speedboat

In the cave
In the cave


Student£ºGalhenage Asha Sewvandi from Sri Lanka
Enrollment Period at Kagawa University : October 2012 - March 2015

I am Galhenage Asha Sewvandi and come from Sri Lanka. I am a Ph.D student in Feng laboratory. Facilities and freedom we have in Kagawa University, really impressed me. All staff is helpful and we can discuss our problems with senior professor as well. My professor Qi Feng treats us very kindly which creates the family feeling within the research team. I am researching on dye sensitized solar cells based on organic dyes. Our laboratory focuses on research in dye sensitized solar cells and piezoelectric materials.  Professor Qi Feng is very fluent for handling three languages (English, Japanese and Chinese) and it helps him to attract many Japanese students and international students from China and other countries.

With Lab Members in front of university
With Lab Members in front of university

Doing an experiment in the laboratory
Doing an experiment in the laboratory

Faculty of Engineering is located in a very beautiful place. There are very nice views at the top floors of university buildings. I spend times by viewing those nice views when I got tired with my studies. It refreshes me.
eView of the road in front of engineering campus, taken from 8th floor of 6th Building
View of the road in front of engineering campus, taken from 8th floor of 6th Building

Sunset view taken from Engineering Campus in Hayashi-cho, Takamatsu
Sunset view taken from Engineering Campus in Hayashi-cho, Takamatsu

Beautiful sky scenery from 11th floor of 1st Building
Beautiful sky scenery from 11th floor of 1st Building

Autumn view at Faculty of Medicine, Kagawa University
Autumn view at Faculty of Medicine, Kagawa University

Parties, open campus day, annual trip, research discussion and symposiums which are being held in university can be highlighted as our networking opportunities to improve and build up relationship among university students and staff.
During a party with Lab members
During a party with Lab members

Open Campus day with high school students
Open Campus day with high school students

Every week we have research seminar in our laboratory. Students have to present their research progress in front of the professor and other students. After the presentation, anyone can ask questions and give their comments to get better results. In this seminar, my professor explains in English, Japanese as well as Chinese. I am really interested to this seminar. It will not only improve our own research but also broaden our knowledge on ongoing research in our laboratory and make an opportunity to have valuable discussions among all research members. I got some opportunities to communicate with some other professors. I realized that not only my laboratory but also every lab has similar research seminar/meeting every week. Nature of research meeting might be different though.

Open campus is the event which is being organized by university every year. During open campus, university showcases university and facilities that are available in Kagawa University.  In the meantime, Kagawa University students are conducting many workshops that will enhance the enthusiasm on technical matters for high school students and junior school students.

Modern lecture rooms with facilities, library facilities, IT support well qualified researchers are the main strength of Kagawa University. I would like to recommend Kagawa University for anyone who wants to achieve their career goals by exploring international academic environment.


I can still remember that, I learned there are four main islands in Japan during my school age. Those are Honshu, Kyushu, Hokkaido and Shikoku. Now I am fortunate to live in Shikoku Island. Kagawa is one of four prefectures in Shikoku Island. I am living near the main city of Kagawa called Takamatsu. Takamatsu city is located near the sea. I like very much to sea views near sun port.

Sun port
Sun port

JR and kotoden are two train lines operate in Kagawa. My apartment is located near kotoden Ota station. In my case, I am different with other international students. I am a mother of two kids who are 5 years and 11 months old. It is really hard to do PHD with two kids but I love to this challenge. My husband is a researcher in Kagawa University. He is always helping me.

In a rush of busy life, what I am really enjoying is activities that we have in the kindergarten. In Japanese “happyokai” and “undokai” are two such events. For a moment we became children during those events. We were proud of seeing performance of children specially my son. Teachers in the kindergarten are also very kind and well trained. They also help me in different ways such as filling some forms which are in Japanese.

“Happyokai” of my son
“Happyokai” of my son

People in Kagawa are very helpful. My neighbors are always helping me. Time to time we are going to park together and having small parties.
Around my home, there are a lot of paddy fields. It is really beautiful. There were some ceremonial events for digging up potatoes and sweet potatoes. The land owner who lives close to my apartment invites people around and then we all get together and harvest potatoes. At the end, dug potatoes were shared among who participated for the event. I love it very much.

Dug potatoes
Dug potatoes

Even though Kagawa looks like a village, for a foreigner it is expensive city.  Being a privately financed student and a mother of two kids; I am having a really difficult life here. We are hardly managing our life with only my husband’s salary.

Even though Kagawa University is a good university, lack of scholarship available will curtail the progress of international students.
Sometimes we are going for dinner out with family. However it is less frequent than what we did in Sri Lanka due to high expenses in Kagawa. Even though we are having tough and busy life here in Kagawa, helpful neighbors, beautiful environment, and supportive staff in the university help me to have good life on Kagawa. I love Kagawa.


Student£ºSuwannee Phitakwinai from Chang Mai, Thailand
Enrollment Period at Kagawa University : Oct 2012 - March 2013

Hi! My name is Suwannee Phitakwinai. I am currently a Ph.D. student in Computer Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Thailand. Now, I am an exchange student at Sawada Laboratory, Kagawa University. In this laboratory, there are many interesting research topics especially “Talking Robot” and Prof. Sawada is a very excellent and very kind teacher. My friends in Kagawa University are very nice. I really enjoy meeting with Japanese people. Through these experiences, I was exposed to different values and widen up my perspectives.

With my laboratory members
With my laboratory members


I live in Kagawa University International House. In this dormitory I could find many new friends. I like this dormitory, because it is very comfortable but it is a little far from faculty of engineering. I ride my bicycle to the faculty everyday and it makes me healthier than ever.

Kagawa University International House
Kagawa University International House

On the way to Faculty of Engineering
On the way to Faculty of Engineering


Takamatsu is a peaceful city and has a good weather. This city is famous for "Sanuki Udon". It is not only delicious but also cheap. You can find many udon shops in this city.
Sanuki Udon
Sanuki Udon


There are so many fabulous places to see in Takamatsu and one of these is Ritsurin Park. Ritsurin Park is one of Takamatsu’s top tourist attractions, and is also one of the best and most beautiful gardens in Japan. I wish I can go to every places in this city.
Ritsurin Park
Ritsurin Park

Tamamo Castle
Tamamo Castle

Takamatsu Sea Port
Takamatsu Sea Port