

Student Life

Student Life

Part Time Employment

Approximately 76% of privately financed international students in Japan are working part-time. On average, they earn approximately JPY \60,000 (USD $600) monthly.

By solely depending on part-time work, it is impossible to cover all school expenses and cost of living. Be sure to make an appropriate financial plan so that you do not have to depend too much on income from part-time work.

When engaging in part-time work in Japan, you must abide by the conditions stated below. Failure to do so may result in punishment and even deportation.?

  1. Apply for permission to engage in activities other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted at the nearest immigration services bureau.
  2. The part-time work does not affect your studies.
  3. The earned income is meant to supplement your academic cost and necessary expenses and not for saving or for remittance overseas.
  4. The part-time work engaged in is not in adult entertainment businesses.
    Note: Prohibited by law
  5. Within 28 hours a week (up to eight hours a day during the long school holidays).
  6. The part-time work is done while you retain student status in an educational institution

Key points to consider when deciding on part-time work

Do not get distracted from your purpose—studying in Japan—or work so hard that you damage your health.

  • Will this job hinder your studies??Will you be affected the following day by working long hours or late at night??

  • Wages and payment method. Are your wages paid daily, weekly or monthly? Are your wages paid in cash or via bank transfer?

  • Is the work safe? Is your working environment safe? Is there insurance against on-the-job accidents?

Every year, we see international students who are forced to leave Japan as they cannot extend their period of authorized stay in the country due to their low school-attendance rates because they work part-time and neglect their studies. You have to be very careful not to let this situation happen.

Beware of frauds and scams promising high-paying jobs while studying in Japan

Be wary of “Study in Japan” agents who give you false or misleading information such as:

“You can earn JPY ?3,000 (about USD $26) per hour working part-time.”

Not true as the average hourly wage is about JPY ?900 (about USD $8).

“You’ll be able to earn JPY ?200,000 to ?300,000 a month working at a part-time job while studying in Japan; you’ll be able to cover your school and living expenses and send money home.”

This is not possible. (The average is around JPY ?59,000 [USD $518].)

Source: JASSO Student Guide to Japan 2019 - 2020

Student Life