

Student Life

Student Life


Global Café


Welcome to the Global Café! The Global Café is a self-access space divided into 3 areas, located on the university’s main campus (Saiwai) where students are free to socialize, learn together in study groups, hold sport and student club meetings, and also participate in the workshops and classes offered. The Global Café provides language classes in English, French, Spanish, Chinese and German, each with a spoken communication focus; it also hosts culture-sharing and other special events on a monthly basis providing an opportunity for students from all countries to share their cultures so as to better understand one another. The Global Café also offers study abroad preparation courses and in conjunction with the International Office, provides program, scholarship and other information to help ready Kagawa University students for periods of study abroad.




The Kagawa University Library is located at the main campus and there are branch libraries located at the Faculties of Medicine, Engineering and Design, and Agriculture. Respectively, the libraries have a collection of about 620,000 books, 140,000 books, 25,000 books and 100,000 books. Access to this collection is available through the Library's automated catalogue system with microcomputer search-stations. A large volume of videos, audio materials, databases and electronic journals are also available.




The library offers other services such as photocopying, inter-library loans, and reference books. Personal computers with Internet access are also available. Please inquire for details at the library counter. Students need to present their Student ID Card when using the library.

Kagawa University Library
(Japanese only)

Rooms for personal computers




All campuses have rooms for personal computers. Students can bring their own computers and use the wireless LAN. For details, please ask Information Technology Center (Saiwai-cho Campus) or the Educational Affairs Section of your Faculty. You cannot use P2P software in the campuses. Students need to observe the rules of the Information Technology Center.

Kagawa University Information Technology Center
(Japanese only)

Stores and cafeterias(Halal Option)




There are number of stores and cafeterias on campus that are run by the University Cooperative Association (called "Seikyo," or Co-op, for short in Japanese). If you become a member of the co-op, you are eligible for discounts on books, CDs, and other merchandises. The membership fee shall be returned to you when you complete your research or study.

Health Center

The aim of Kagawa University Health Center is to support the healthcare of registered students, faculty and staff.

1. Regular physical examinations

Regular physical examinations are conducted in April every year. All students are required to undergo these examinations.

2. Health consultation

Students are welcomed to consult with the Health Center or its branches on any matter that may be affecting their health. Based on the symptoms, the center may refer the case to an appropriate specialist. To receive services from a specialist, the health insurance card is needed. Furthermore, monitoring the body temperature is of utmost importance especially when sick. It is thus convenient to keep a thermometer on hand.

3. Advice on psychological problems

The Health Center offers professional counseling services for students dealing with psychological problems relating to personality, interpersonal relations, academic progress or future career goals.

4. First aid treatment

The Health Center provides first aid treatments for mild injury on campus. Beds are also available for students who feel sick suddenly.

5. Self-checkup space

Instruments to gauge physical conditions such as height, body weight, body fat percentage, blood pressure, grip power, and visual acuity can be freely used by students under the supervision of a nurse.

Kagawa University Health Center
(Japanese only)

Harassment counseling service

Harassment refers to a behavior that makes others feel uncomfortable. (For example, references made to sex, race, nationality, age, origin, and physical or mental disabilities.) Basically, if the recipient of the behavior feels uncomfortable, it falls under the harassment. When this happens, consult a student counselor immediately. Your privacy will be maintained at all times and you will not be put in a disadvantaged position by consulting. Furthermore, besides the victim, any third person witness to the harassment are encouraged to consult with the student counselor.

The address of the harassment counselors (on-campus site)
(Japanese only)

Fitness facilities


All campuses have gymnasiums, tennis courts and athletic fields that are free to use. You can also borrow sporting equipment. If you wish to use them, please ask the Student Life Support Group or the Educational Affairs Section of your Faculty.

Student Life